29 Nov Werenbun Local Decision Making Agreement
Werenbun, also known as Barnjaru is a small Aboriginal homeland on Jawoyn traditional land and is home to approximately 30 people. Werenbun is located about 60km by road north of Katherine along the Stuart Highway, Northern Territory. Werenbun and the surrounding region consist of a large section of freehold land, governed by the Jawoyn Association Aboriginal Corporation.
Situated on the western edge of Nitmiluk National Park, Werenbun is surrounded by scenic bush, paperbark trees, and pandanus fringed natural waterfalls and pools and is only 5km from the iconic Leliyn (Edith Falls). Werenbun residents identified several significant cultural enterprises and employment opportunities through a community consultation process with a strong focus on cultural tourism. Plus, priorities for local delivery and decision-making in housing, education, health, local governance, and economic development.
Werenbun residents have developed a Homelands Local Decision Making (LDM) Agreement, Implementation Plan, and service delivery commitment in partnership with the Northern Territory Government, National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), non-government organisations (NGOs) and Aboriginal community-controlled organisation (ACCO).
Werenbun residents initiated the LDM Agreement with the support of the Minister for Treaty and Local Decision Making Selena Uibo.
“We are making history today, and this Agreement will provide an example for other homelands about what successful Local Decision Making at a homeland level looks like.
“We are empowering Aboriginal Territorians to embrace their futures, to decide what service delivery looks like for their communities and tell us as Governments what we can do to support their self-determination.
“The opportunities provided through this Agreement will make a profound difference to this community and I’m looking forward to following this historic journey.” – Honorable Selena Uibo
The agreement is also supported by the Jawoyn Association Aboriginal Corporation (JAAC). Within their own LDM Agreement, JAAC committed to supporting the Werenbun Homeland to develop an LDM Agreement. JAAC are a strong partner to the Werenbun LDM Agreement and will support the implementation throughout.
The Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet Big Rivers assisted the consultation and development of the LDM Agreement with facilitation support from Katherine based not-for-profit Circulanation. The Werenbun LDM Agreement is the first LDM Agreement at Homelands scale. This agreement spans five years between 2021-2026, with short (1 year), medium (2-3 years), long (4-5 years) term priorities identified.
The historic Agreement marks the first for an Aboriginal homeland in the Territory. There are four key strategies identified for the Werenbun Homeland Implementation Plan 2022 – 2027:
· Economic development through employment, training and education;
· Health and community wellbeing;
· Infrastructure and housing; and
· Culture and heritage.
Local Decision Making is the Northern Territory Government’s ten-year plan to return local decision making to Aboriginal communities by empowering Aboriginal people to determine service delivery models that work best for their community and region. Local Decision Making is underpinned by the principle of self-determination for Aboriginal communities and seeks to transition services and programs to community control where appropriate and desired.