Igniting the entrepreneurial spirit in remote Australia

Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory access the Ignite Program, activating entrepreneurship for women and girls in remote Australia.

Although there exists a strong desire for economic participation and entrepreneurial aspirations, for the majority of Aboriginal people living in remote Australia, the current entry-level to starting a business is still too high.

Urapunga Arts Market Stall

For most start-ups to be eligible for assistance participants are often required to have proof of a viable business idea, as well as evidence of business capabilities. This can require a fully conceived product, a team, comprehensive business plan, and product testing, involving substantial investment and advanced business knowledge.

Circulanation is working in partnership with Government, communities and organisations in the Katherine Region to address the barriers that individuals, families and communities face in remote Australia when starting their business journey. 

The Ignite Program is phase-one in Circulanation’s Entrepreneurship Program pathway: designed to build business capabilities and explore ideas that can then be taken forward to start-up stage. 

“Ignite is an inclusive, low-risk, and culturally affirming program, where no idea, proof of concept, or previous business experience is required. It’s about building entrepreneurial capabilities and the readiness of individuals and communities to start their business journey”, comments Tanya  

The National Indigenous Australians Agency recognised a service delivery gap and the need for tailored early-stage capacity building as part of the regional start-up ecosystem. Circulanation is responding to this gap focused on creating community prosperity through ‘place-based’ and ‘experiential’ entrepreneurship programs and sustainable economic development. 

“Our innovative approach builds entrepreneurial capabilities via a facilitated learning journey, in parallel with business development support.” remarks Tanya Egerton, CEO at Circulanation.

Support from the National Indigenous Australians Agency enables Circulanation to work with members of the Urapunga community, located 600 kilometres south-west of Darwin, to further develop and refine the Ignite Program. In addition, to develop an Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Facilitators Training Manual available in both English and Kriol to support future enterprise training and development that is led locally by Aboriginal people. 

Urapunga, Northern Territory – Australia

“Over the past three months Tanya has been based in Urapunga supporting women and girls to create new products and learn business. It’s been a really positive experience and we are starting to see an interest from people in the community in starting their own little business.” 

 “We know that there are a lot people in Urapunga with great ideas, the main thing for us to work with people that we know and trust, who care about the families of Urapunga, and can make a long-term commitment to supporting our vision.”

Elaine Duncan – Urapunga Aboriginal Corporation Board Member

Elaine Duncan and Annamarie Collins at the pop-up OpShop

Circulanation is committed to partnering with Aboriginal people in the design and delivery of the Ignite Program. 

“We actively involve Elders and community members in the co-design and co-delivery of the program to ensure it reflects the unique needs of Aboriginal people, their families and community in a culturally appropriate way.”

Jessie Daniels and Dora Collins collecting pandanus with Urapunga elders

“We believe that everyone has a fundamental right to turn an idea into an economic reality, our aim is to remove the barriers and provide the building block that put individuals and communities in control of creating their future – not just their own business,” Tanya Egerton.